Hello I'm

Abdo Samy

I support students to get study abroad and be well-educated.

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Some words from students


Before having curly hair, Abdos' friends used to describe him as hard-worker, energetic and helpful. Now, they describe him as CREATIVE, cool and helpful. Abdo Samy has BSC of Engineering from Benha university, Egypt and MSSC of Entrepreneurship from Uppsala university, Sweden. He is Emonovo (formerly MARJ3) co-founder; Ed-tech MENA region leading online platform. Abdo got 12 fully funded scholarships and programs and travelled 33 countries. He trained +15,000 students on catching opportunities, scholarships, soft skills and entrepreneurship. In 2017. Abdo was selected by the Startup Scene as 25 UNDER 25: the young entrepreneurs reinventing Egypt and won the 2nd place of falling walls lab competition for young researchers and entrepreneurs.
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Got accepted in a conference. Travel fund can cover part of your flight ticket.
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The world is moving very fast and we have to catch the pace. Getting a high quality education is really essential in this information age. How can we get high quality education and be well-educated? how do we develop ourselves further? In Abdo's keynotes, he explains how to catch international educational opportunities and develop our skills further to match the market needs.