Abdo Samy's fund

Abdo Samy offers a fund for youth from the Middle East and North African countries to cover flight tickets to attend conferences or short programs. He believes that attending those kinds of conferences brings value to youth and openness to their horizons. The fund launched in 2022.

Youth who got funding

Ahmed Essam | ICYF Young Volunteers Camp

Ahmed Essam

ICYF Young Volunteers Camp Egyptian, Travelled to Turkey in Jun 2023 It was a transformative experience. This opportunity taught me the power of collaboration, leadership, and community engagement in addressing global challenges.

Omima Alaa El-Din | Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023

Omima Alaa El-Din

Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 Egyptian, Travelled to Germany in Jun 2023 Volunteering at Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 was a great experience. I gained experience working with intellectual disabilities and making relationships with other volunteers and athletes.

Rana Hassanen | Involvement and impact training course

Rana Hassanen

Involvement and impact training course Egyptian, Travelled to Netherlands in Nov 2022 This eye-opening experience definitely widened my world view. I feel as if I grew phenomenally just living there and being immersed in different cultures with people from different countries.

Marwa Tawfik | Fish Nutrition Workshop

Marwa Tawfik

Fish Nutrition Workshop Egyptian, Travelled to Netherlands in Oct 2022 I co-learned microbiome analysis with experts and discussed available funding for PhD students during their fish facilities tour. I got the most active participant award.

Maya Magdy IFMSA conference Abdo samy fund

Maya Magdy

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) Egyptian, Travelled to Turkey in Aug 2022 It was once in a lifetime experience: engaging in an international environment, increasing my knowledge of human rights and peace issues, and establishing bonds with leaders from all over the world.

TEIMUN - Ahmed Essam - Abdo samy fund

Ahmed Essam

TEIMUN Conference Egyptian, Travelled to Netherlands in Jul 2022 It was a challenge full of gaining experiences by improving negotiation skills, communicating with different nationalities, and knowing their different cultures and the ethics of political work.